Soto Lamongan

Soto Lamongan is typical food from East Java, which you can see in the corners of the village, large shopping malls, hawker center, Depot, and in the market. Soto is the food of the people especially in Surabaya, usually people present at a time when day and night. The consumers from low society until high society, the price is between Rp 6000, - to Rp18,000.00 depending on the place and location.

Soto is a soup (yellow)

Material from chicken meat, legs and innards (Ati and gizzard). Ingredients: turmeric, cumin, Coriander, Laos, Red Onion, Garlic, Sere, Purut Leaves, Tamarind, pepper, soy sauce, micin, and salt, do not forget to also add the boiled fish with seasoning until destroyed (thorns removed prior first).

To complement Suun, Eggs, Sladri, Poyah (chips fried shrimps and garlic), chili (peppers, pecans, salt). the way it presents with white rice. In the District there are stalls Soto Sukodadi Lamongan very tasty "Soto Ayam Village. " Precisely in pertelon Sukodadi direction towards "Lamongan Marine Tourism, " "Tomb of Sunan Giri" & "Maharani Cave. "


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