Angkringan jogja

Do you know a place in Yogyakarta where students, bloggers and cyber communities, such as chatter, journalists, artists, pedicab drivers, to the vendors love to talk casually? If you studied in Yogyakarta, where you had a discussion with friends about the paper's themes or tasks? Among the places you mentioned, certainly angkringan Lik Man, which lies north of Tugu Station to be one of them. Naturally, because the place has become a favorite of many people.
When you come to this place that usually open at 18:00, you can order drinks hot or cold. Favorite beverage is coffee Joss, coffee served with hot charcoal. Excess caffeine content of coffee is low because neutralized by charcoal. Do not worry it's just a myth, because Kopi Joss was born from research students of the University of Gadjah Mada University who often hang on Angkringan Lik Man.
There are Various foods that provided, there is a cat sego berlauk oseng tempeh and sauce and fried anchovies until misbegotten (compacted sticky foods from savory taste) fuel. Sego cats in Angkringan Lik Man that cost Rp 1000 not less tasty with other dishes because the rice fluffier and oseng terinya tempeh and sauce seasoned just right. Enjoying sego cat who always served warm in a state with a side dish or fried eggs in addition to delicious satay is also not to spend much money.


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