
 If you visit to the Djogdja city, it feels incomplete if it does not bring home snacks / snacks typical this Yogyakarta, the djogdja city known by a variety of typical foods very enjoyable, it tastes good besides of course the price of food in jogja very cheap when compared to prices in other places.

And this is a snack / snack typical djogdja you can enjoy and take home as oleh2 and tells you that you just got back from djogdja

Geplak Bantul is a typical food made ​​from grated coconut and sugar or palm sugar, which sweet taste. Some are calling it Betawi food with additional material in the form of rice flour and lime leaves. There is also Geplak made ​​from pumpkin. Geplak industry can found in Bantul, Yogyakarta, which is mostly cultivated by household industry. The color can vary to enhance your appearance. The next type of confectionery is growing due to widespread market demand and this will be just around the city of Yogyakarta, but also in the entire archipelago.


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